DGfI Mining congress in japan

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Registriert: Do. 01. Aug 02 0:00
Name: Karsten Plewnia
Wohnort: Ruhrstadt Essen

Beitrag von kapl »

6th International Mining History Congress

As the closing date for the early registration is approaching, I would like to remind you of the 6th International Mining History Congress to be held in Akabira-city, a former coal mining town in Hokkaido, Japan, on 26-29 September this year.

Though it is still far from completion and subject to change, the academic programme in PDF form is available from the imhc 2003 website. In addition to sessional papers there will be keynote speeches and lectures by Dr L. Mercier, Prof. R. Burt and Prof. J. Mouat.

You may be anxious about SARS epidemic in oriental countries. There has been no SARS case in Japan until now despite its geo- graphical closeness to China. Of course, no one can predict the situation in September and guarantee the safety but Japan is quite free from the epidemic so far. And the congress itself will take every precautious step in September.

For further information, please visit the congress website:

Prof. Norikazu Kudo
Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 3 5427 1105
Facsimile: +81 3 3769 2407
E-mail: kudo@fbc.keio.ac.jp