Auch in Deutschland wurde damals schon Kohle gefördert:..with the exception of the coalfields of North and South Staffordshire, the Romans were exploiting coals in all the major coalfields in England and Wales by the end of the second century, a remarkable achievement if, as suggested by Dearne and Brannigaq there was little evidence of the use of coal in Britain before the arrival of the Romans. Equally remarkable is the recognition of coal as a fuel such that it was apparently considered economic to transport it overland or by river to the sea for shipment to coastal sites between Yorkshire and London.
QUELLE: Smith, A. H. V.: "Provenance of Coals from Roman Sites in England and Wales", in: ''Britannia'', Bd. 28 (1997), S. 297–324 (323)
Leider gibt der Text aber nur das Nötigste preis. Meine Fragen wären:M. Teichmüller (personal communication) states that outcrops of bituminous coal of Carboniferous age occur in Germany and were exploited in the Roman period in the Inde Syncline of the Aachen district near the town of Eschweiler (c. 13 km NE of Aachen) Coal from this area was used for the smelting (not reduction) of iron and it is known to have been transported along Roman roads as far east as the Rhine.
QUELLE: Smith, A. H. V.: "Provenance of Coals from Roman Sites in England and Wales", in: ''Britannia'', Bd. 28 (1997), S. 297–324 (322)
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