sounds good! I would be very much interested in any above ground ruins as well, especially old blast furnaces for iron production and such. We will be in Europe in august. -Mike
Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer
- Mi. 28. Jan 09 20:36
- Forum: sonst noch was???
- Thema: Hallo aus Amerika!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 4287
- Mo. 19. Jan 09 4:12
- Forum: sonst noch was???
- Thema: Hallo aus Amerika!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 4287
Re: Hallo aus Amerika!
Hi Achim- I would be very interested in doing some exploring in the Harz mountains, I will probably be in Germany in the summer. My girlfriend is from Kassel and has a car there so your area would probably be a great place to start! What are the laws or restrictions regarding exploring the mines? ar...
- So. 18. Jan 09 0:45
- Forum: sonst noch was???
- Thema: Hallo aus Amerika!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 4287
Re: Hallo aus Amerika!
Saftey is the most important aspect of mine exploring. Our gear and techniques are constantly evolving as abandoned mine exploring is still a fairly new thing in the eastern USA. Many of the pictures are from when we first started about 4 years ago and you can see we are lacking much important gear ...
- Fr. 16. Jan 09 18:35
- Forum: sonst noch was???
- Thema: Hallo aus Amerika!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 4287
Re: Hallo aus Amerika!
Thank you for the warm welcome :) The temperature in mines near where I live is usually 55F about 15C. The mines in Arizona can be very hot, you will be sweating in just a t shirt deep underground! However, our next big trip is to a copper mine near the canadian border that will require snow shoes t...
- Fr. 16. Jan 09 2:15
- Forum: sonst noch was???
- Thema: Hallo aus Amerika!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 4287
Hallo aus Amerika!
Ich bin Mike aus Connecticut und mir wurde der Link zu dieser Seite von einem Bekannten geschickt. Ich bin Mitglied einer US Gruppe die sich "Ironminers" nennen.Unsere Webseite lautet wie folgt: http://www.ironminers.com/. So weit habe ich bereits viele Mienen in den USA und Kanada aufgesu...